Today's companies attract talent from all over the world. Those led by managers concerned about the integration of their team members, who seek to embrace the value of diversity, are more likely not only to survive in this competitive global environment, but also to succeed.

Case 1: a remote team

It is increasingly common for work groups in companies to be made up of people in different time zones, often even on different continents. So-called agile methodologies come to serve these international teams of employees to perform optimally in their positions. So far so good, but let's go one step further.

If you are the manager of one of these companies and the team you have recruited is spread across the globe, it is very likely that they are people of other ethnicities, cultures or races with a different sensibility and upbringing than yours, who respond to different codes than you do.

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You are united by work, but miles apart when the computers are literally and metaphorically switched off.

If you want to get good results with such a team, you will have to redouble your efforts to achieve a brand culture, a sense of belonging to an idea of which everyone is a part. The integration capacity of a remote company is a major challenge if you want to keep the team in the medium to long term.

Case 2: a hybrid team

Let's take a step aside. Your company now does not work remotely but in the same office in a hybrid format. In this case, you are united by work, but miles apart when computers are switched off only metaphorically because you all live a few streets away. You also use agile methodologies because they make tasks easier and more orderly.

The team recruited by your human resources department is also based on excellence and is international in origin. Due to migratory circumstances the workers are in the same location and, in addition, due to the specific type of sector, the company does not consider 100% remote work.

This team may spend time together outside of meetings. However, when taking a break or having a snack they look at their mobile phones and not interacting because they don´t know each other at all.

What kind of team are you building in this situation? Are they likely to put effort into the project when asked?

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Work in progress

In either case, a remote or hybrid (face-to-face would also fit) company faces similar challenges. A good manager must be able to manage the human differences in his or her team with an open mind. It takes some training to notice the needs of the employees but it is worth every second.

Good communication skills and a vocation for learning and inclination to be very diplomatic in order to avoid hurting sensitivities are three main aspects to be considered a good leader.

Building a team in any discipline takes time. Establishing certain dynamics that favor integration through play or leisure activities that encourage curiosity about others and knowledge among equals are proposals that strengthen bonds and promote personal and professional growth.

Around the globe

Since the distance between two points in the world is measured in hours rather than kilometers, it takes longer to get to know your desk colleague than it does to travel around the world. Something in our value system should be revised.

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