Is it possible to have a greener world producing laptops?

It is, with a Re-Solutionary Project like "Framework", the first ecological laptop.

Tons of electronic waste accumulate in landfills each year, contaminating water and the earth and producing unhealthy environments for living beings. Framework is a proposal for the creation of a new laptop concept.

This laptop preserves the environment because it allows you to customize, repair, and upgrade it by parts.

So you don't have to change the entire computer when a component is no longer working. The Frame's Team is motivated by the "opportunity to fix the consumer electronics industry together". A big challenge to humanity.

Do you want to contribute to a greener planet? We want you on board: you can study our Master in International Management or our Master in Finance, with our re-learning method.

Because we’re re-solved to advance. We have the re-solution to advance.